ADAPT-NC Kick-off Team

ADAPT-NC Kick-off Team

The Asthma Dissemination Around Patient-centered Treatments in North Carolina (ADAPT-NC) project is funded by the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) and brings together the four North Carolina PBRNs in NCNC to study the dissemination of a Shared Decision Making intervention for Asthma Patients. MAPPR at Carolinas Health System successfully demonstrated the efficacy of this intervention in their ACE study. In this study MAPPR, PCRC at Duke, NCnet at UNC and ECARE at ECU are disseminating this intervention across North Carolina to Primary Care and Pediatric Clinics. Clinics have been randomized to different arms of the trial with different “doses” of dissemination to study the efficacy of different dissemination approaches. We would like to thank the Community Care of North Carolina (CCNC) for all their support in making this project possible. Like us on facebook at facebook/adpaptnc. Follow us on twitter @ImprovingAsthma